Teamcenter Unified functional level With Industry Implementation Cases (20Hrs)
- Teamcenter Rich client and thin client
- Teamcenter rich client perspective
- Configure the display of application
- Display Primary and secondary application
- Toolbar customization
- Workspace objectItem
- ItemRevision
- Form
- Dataset
- Envelop
- Address list
- Change
- Queries
- Report
- BOM (View Types)
- Quick Search
- Search history
- System Defined search
- Compare print
- Rename result
- Report
- Query dataset
- Item and ItemRevision
- Item(Types,Structure,Display,Sequence)
- Creating Item/Document/Dataset/ItemRevision/Form/Named Reference
- Relationship between object
- Version of object and its control
- Alternate and Alias identifier
- Dataset
- Object Type
- Named Reference
- Tool used
- Version
- Create
- Purge
- Import
- Export
- Modify
- ItemRevision display control
- User ,Group, role (Basic user Setting , Default Group and Role)
- Data Check ?in/out form database (Check-in/out ,Explicit/Implicit Checkout)
- Transfer Checkout
- Cancel Checkout
- Checkout history
- SM Interface (Navigation , Data Pane,Search,Column,Display,Structure Properties)
- BOM (View Objects , Types)\
- Create Assembly , add, paste, Replace component
- Revision (Revision Rule , Default rule, Ad-voc , Release Status type )
- Absolute Occurrence
- Modular ?Variant
- Substitute /Alternate Component
- Add/ Remove Column in PSE
- BOM in Portal visualization
- Pack / Unpack of lines
- Printing structure in HTML / Text
- Precise / Imprise Assembly
- PSE Snapshot
- Import / Export of structure
- BOM Compare
- Import / Export of structure
- Find in display
- Occurrence note type (Create/ Modify)
- User Interface
- View
- Where-Used
- Where-reference
- Concept
- ICO(Create)
- Process Template
- Workflow Creation
- Out of Office Assistant
- Resource Pool Suscription
- Address List
- Task info
- Transfer Ownership of Targettask
- Handler info
- Workflow ACL info
- Time Task
- Project Data(view primary, secondary objects Assignment/Removal)
- Project Smart Folder, Data filtering
- Project Member(Administrator , Project Team Administered, Privileged Project Team, Project Team)
- Object in Projects , Automatic Assignment
Accordion Content