Teamcenter Solution Architect Program
Teamcenter Solution Architect Program
This program gives you in details information about actual implementation of Teamcenter on live environment.
Teamcenter Solution Architect Primary Role is to support various specialised mission critical environments by installing, configuring and providing solutions for Teamcenter implementation, making sure there is minimal downtime, and the users are able to work on enterprise environment.
This program serves as a subject Matter Expert in Teamcenter, which will give you in details information like program solutions, deployment, project planning, requirement gathering, customization, and support of highly available architecture.
The skill of solution architect program is to provide solution to the complex product end executes software designs that may involve significant architecture of important systems, defining and coordinating the implementation of wide-reaching impacts.

Benefits of Program
- In details knowledge of actual implementation
- Work closely with Process Architect, Business Analyst on end-to-end design of solutions.
- Define PLM roadmap, upgrade path, upgrading, manage and optimize all tiers of Teamcenter architecture including Enterprise-tier, Resource-tiers (SQL database & FMS/FSC volume servers), Pool Manager, Web tiers, browser Active Workspace Client (AWC) as UI, style-sheets, Solr Indexing and deployment strategies.
- To gather requirements, design, develop, test, validate and implement company business processes and implement workflows in Teamcenter.
- Ensures Data Model and product data synchronization between Production and all Dev systems and deployment strategies.
- Full understanding and experience in SIEMENS designing & implementing Teamcenter.
- Knowledge and hands-on experience in development and implementation of custom ITK (Information Tool Kit) workflow handlers, Teamcenter Workflow Designer module, workflow requirements gathering, design, development, testing/validation, implementation and post-Production support.
- In-depth knowledge, best practices for software development including UI based customization and Server-side customization, Active workspace devlepment.
- Teamcenter PLM Administration: This covers data & application modeling which includes mapping enterprise requirement in TC unified through customizing various functionality out of the box.
- Teamcenter PLM Deployment & Integration: This covers deployment & integration strategies, various s/w involved component and their purpose.
- Teamcenter PLM Customization: This covers writing a code for server and client (Rich & Web Client) for mapping various business requirements.
- Teamcenter PLM Projects: This will cover mapping a live industry requirement in Teamcenter solution development.
- Teamcenter PLM Examination& Interview: Thisensures your knowledge and concept and hence makes this program full proof from industry acceptance point of view.
Interview by various companies looking for PLM Solution Architect.
Detail Contents:
Teamcenter Architecture overview (2Tier, 4tier)
Teamcenter Directories (TC_DATA / TC_ROOT / TC_MODEL / TC_Volume, FMS, Lang, tc_profilevarsetc)
BMIDE Interface: View, Perspective, Menu usage, connection etc.
Option and preferences
Teamcenter menu
BMIDE Overview
- Classes and attributes
- Properties: Runtime, Persistent, Compound, Relation
- Global, Type & property constant
- Custom/Cots object
- Views (Object/Class/Extension/Navigator/Console)
- Template project creation
- Package creation
- Project export/import
- Extension files (set active extension, deciding extension file)
- Server connection profile: 2Tier, 4Tier
- Output and template directory
- Hot (2tier/4tier)/ Cold (Tem) Deployment
- Updating live production server (9.1)
- Data model report, project backup,
- Business object, classes, properties, property constant, attribute, display name,
- UML (Diagram, Editor, Inheritance)
- Displaying Properties on relation objects during object creation
- Defining deep copy rule for the properties on relation object
- Creating Data Model Report
Form Types and LOVs
- Creating form types, storage class types and properties
- Persistent property, property constant, hiding properties on form
- Creating List of Values (LOV) and attaching to properties
- Exhaustive, Suggestive, Range Usage
- Filter, Cascading, Interdependent cascading LOV
- Displaying LOV based on project assigned (9.1)
- LOV batch utility (9.1)
- Dynamic LOV
- Controlling access of properties on form
Key Teamcenter Object Types
Item data types
- Creating item types and master forms
- Using schema editor to add POM classes for forms
- Add new business object
- Add new class
- Extend business object with new attribute
- Attribute to class
- Create descriptor
- Adding properties to business objects
- Adding or changing icons on business object (9.1)
Dataset types & Tools
- Creating dataset types
- Named references
- Defining Tools, identifying mime type
- Tool set up for dataset view, open and edit
Product structure data types
- Creating product structure view types
- Units of measure
- Occurrence note types
- Occurrence type
Creating Status Types
Detail Contents:
- Creating persons, users and roles
- Creating groups and sub-groups
- Creating volumes
- Creating interactively and with the make_user utility
- Setting default volumes using utility
- User, Role wizard
- License management
Key Points
Queries and Reports
- Creating queries and assigning to favorites list
- Creating reports : Item Based, Summery Based, Custom Code Based
- Transfer mode for reports
- Class attribute
- Stylesheet development
- Import/Export Queries
- Writing query for workflow
- Writing query for custom item type and properties
- Extending report in MPP
Creating Revision Rules
- Precise and imprecise
- Naming revision rule
- Create, modify, delete revision rule, various entries to rule like status, precise, imprecise, working, date, unit numbers
- Grouping and ordering rule entries
Access Manager
- Rules-based and object-based protections
- Editing the rule tree
- Exporting and importing the access manager rule tree
- Adding new rule
- Working of rule tree
- Import/Export of Tree
- Rule Definition syntax
- Identify right location in ACL for rule entry
- Controlling access based on compound property values (9.1)
Project Creation and Administration
- Creating projects
- Privileges for project admin, project team lead, team members
- Rule tree for project
- Activation/Deactivation of project
- Automatic project assignment
- Project related utilities
Workflow Process Modeling
- Process terms and functionality
- Process Template & Task Template
- Creating workflow processes
- Single and no signoff processes
- Single task and multi task processes
- Action & Rule Handler usage for automating workflow task activities
- Importing/exporting workflow processes
- Creating resource pools
- Creating conditional tasks based on query, using failure path,
- Creating secure tasks
- Using the release_man utility
- Workflow troubleshooting like resume, cancels, suspend, delete et all.
Change Management
- Change object folder structure configuration
- Creating change types
- Writing condition for CM object
- Designing workflows for CM objects
- Workflow to Schedule Integration
Business Modeling
- Type display rules
- Naming rules
- Compound property rules
- Action rules
- Deep copy rules
- ID Context Rule
- Complex Property
- Alias ID
- Extension Rule (Ex. Item_Create)
- GRM Rule
- Hierarchical Business object search
- New relation object
Condition Engine
- Condition Definition (Name, descriptions, parameter, expression)
- Searching Condition
- Creating new conditions for various business purpose
- Condition evaluation mechanism
- Using condition for controlling system behavior on various extension
Property Display
- XMLRenderingStylesheet dataset
- Customize display of forms and properties
- Pre-defined stylesheet
- Stylesheet viewer
- Modify, create, register stylesheet
Classification Administration
- Interface
- Classification hierarchy
- Creating and Managing Group, Classes, Views
- Creating and Managing key-lov, attribute dictionary
- Classification import/export
- Key points
Preferences and Options
- Setting preferences and options
- Performing command suppression
- Assigning default process templates
- Key environment variable settings
- Identifying important preferences
Importing Non-CAD Data
- Interactively and using the import file utility
Importing CAD Data
- CAD data import mechanism
- Preference and environment variable settings for NX Manager
- ug_import capabilities
- Mapping files
- Importing parts and assemblies
- Importing non-master and associated files
Utilities and their purpose
- make_user
- am install tree
- clearlocks
- Collect garbage
- dataset cleanup
- fscadmin, fccstat
- import export business rules,
- regen schema file,
- gen xmit file,
- make datasettype
- backup xmlinfo
- dsa
- index_verifier
Business Data Extraction and Population
- tcxml_import, tcxml_export
- plmxml_import, plmxml_export
- import_attr_mappings, export_attr_mappings
- Classification tree extraction and population
- Building replica site from production site
Detail Contents:
- C Interface to Teamcenter server (APIs to integrate third party or user-developed applications )
- Overview of Teamcenter Architecture
- Why customization (Codeless/Codeful)? (Present data differently, Customer specific action on data etc)
- ITK overview
- Customizable component
- Directory structure
- Environment variables
- Important directories for ITK development
- BMIDE (Schema/Classes/objects)
- Preferences
- Install_type utility and other utilities in bin
- Important note (POM functions with all classes, function with class work for instance of subclass, GRM is for relation object)
- Best Practices (Provide help, use lower level calls etc)
- Server Architecture: Where ITK placed
Understanding ITK API
- Naming convention
- Module Designator
- Verb, Class, Modifier
- I/O/OF
- ITK function return
- ITK’s structure (By module ITEM, BOM, FL, MAIL etc)
Using existing APIs
- Finding APIs for your needs
- Writing new APIs, Samples
- Datatypetag_t (Unique identifier for each object in the database)
- Module: WSOM, AOM, EMH, FL, ITEM etc
- Error Handling
- Log files & Debugging
- Memory Management
User Exits:
- User Exist Type (Existing/Added/Replacement)
- Procedure to create user exit
- Action/Rule Handlers
- User defined Methods (Method template)? User defined Methods (Method template)
- Property Methods : Adding Run-time (Derived) property
- User defined error messages
User Services:
- User Services Procedure
- User function
- Registering user service function
- Calling code from client
- Types
- Methods
- Properties
- POM class hierarchy (Schema editor/BMIDE/ browser utility (sb)
- LOVs
ITK Batch Program:
- Model batch program
- Compiling, Linking and executing standalone program
SOA Based Customization:
- Basic of SOA based framework
- Using Existing SOA based API
- Writing new SOA API
- Calling API through rich client and thin client
Detail Contents:
Eclipse Rich Client Platform
Rich Client Non programming customization.
- Change the Teamcenter Splash Window.
- Change the Logon Window.
- Change the Teamcenter Object Icon
Rich Client customization environment setup
asics of Eclipse
- Set Project Preference
- Set the Target Platform
- Run the Rich client from Eclipse.
- Create a Project.
- Set the Dependencies
- Create a package for Icon
ich Client Plug ?in
Overriding Command
Adding menu command to a menu, toolbar and shortcut menu.
- Command
- Menu Contribution
- Handler
Rich Client ?UI form introduction
- Teamcenter form key concepts.
- Communication with the server.
- Form user interface display components.
- Form Panel Construction
Teamcenter Form types Basics
- Automatic Forms.
- XML Stylesheet
- JavaBeans.
- Abstract rendering.
Questions and Discussion.
Teamcenter Form types Example
RichClient ?UI form with XML stylesheet.
XML Overview
Modifying a predefined style sheet.
Creating a new style sheet.
Example of XML style sheet definition and rendering.
User Properties XML definition.
Item Properties XML definition.
Rich-client UI Form with JavaBeans.
- UI Form customization with Java.
- Introduction ? UI Form with JavaBeans.
- Install the form Beans
- Referencing TCComponentForm
- Registration.
- PropertyNameLabel
- PropertyTextField
- PropertyLOVCombobox
Questions and Discussion.
Kernel API
Component of the API kernel
- Session
- TCComponent
- Service
- Try/Catch block
- Traversing Example
Rich Client ?UI form with AbstractReddening Class
- Developing forms by extending the abstract class.
- Create a Form Type
- Create the Form Panel.
- Register the Form Panel with the Rich Client.
- Basic user Interface form and component.
- Register the Form.
Add a new Perspectives and view.
- Perspectives
- Views
ITK Overview
Call ITK function from the Rich Client.
- Register the User Service Method.
- Call the Register functions.
- Implement method on the server side.
- Compile and link server Exit.
- Developing rich client side code
Questions and Discussion
Using SOA
Teamcenter Services
- Teamcenter Services interface
- Service-oriented architecture
- Importance of Teamcenter Services
- Teamcenter Services advantages
Teamcenter Services framework
- Available Message transport
- Common Message structures
- Request & Response interaction pattern
- Client Data model
- Errors & exceptions
- Object property policies
Basic tasks using Teamcenter Services
- Retrieving basic Item Information
- Uploading & downloading files
- Importing & exporting data
Enabling & Configuring Services
Teamcenter Services framework components
- Establishing a Teamcenter session
- Calling services
- Client data model components
- Handling errors
- Improving services performance
- Object property policy
- Creating Services
- Date & time settings
Integration with TCCS
- What is TCCS
- TCCS Integration
Teamcenter Services Organization
- Services Libraries
- Service Data types
- Service Operation
BMIDE for Teamcenter Services
- Add a service library
- Add a service
- Add service data types
- Add a service operation
- Write a service operation implementation
- Building libraries for services
Generated Client Stub-bindings
- Java Strong/loose bindings
- .Net bindings
- C++ loose bindings
- Deprecated C++ strong bindings
Examples based on live industry business cases
Detail Contents:
- Teamcenter Architecture (Resource/Enterprise/Web/Client layer): 2TIER/4TIER
- Web server’s: Purpose and software installations
- Directories and their importance: TC_ROOT, TC_DATA,WebRoot,Volumes, Transient Volumes, FSC/FCC ,TSTK, lang, model, Portal, Plugin, BMIDE, Pool Manager
- Installing database server and creating database instance with listener configuration
- Installation of License Server
- Installation of Corporate Server
- Setup options – solutions and features
- Installation of BMIDE (2TIER/4TIER)
- Deployment of custom or third party template
- Importance of POM schema file, iman_profilevars/tc_profilevars, tc_preferences, am_rule_treeetc
- Managing Teamcenter volumes (FMS/FCC/Local Volume etc),
- Installation of Two-tier Rich Client (Normal/Per-client etc) with required integration
- Web application manager
- Creating stages (Web Tier/ Distribution Instance/Distribution Server)
- Distribution Instance Deployment over the web using s/w like Apache, IIS
- Web Tier Deployment on JBOSS, Weblogic, Sunone, Websphere
- Multiples Volumes/Multiples FSC/Failover/Performance tuning
- Best Practices of Installation
- Silent Installation
- Installation of patches
- Uninstallation of server
- Unpopulating database
- Troubleshooting: Installation, patching, integration, pool manager, FMS etc
- Performance Tuning Overview (Corporate Server, Pool Manager, Web Application Server, Oracle Server, Client Tier etc.)
- Backup and Restore of Teamcenter Site
- Replica site creation
This examination tests the knowledge of participants at its depth.
What exactly seems to be PLM in sap?
SAP Product Lifecycle Management enables organizations to expand rapidly and deliver the goods that power their businesses. SAP PLM Training in pune provides all-around assistance for all product-related processes, from product conception to manufacture and servicing. PLM offers a wide range of applications in the business, from product marketing to product development through data management and operational management.
SAP PLM Training Program
A SAP PLM Training in pune program is a cutting-edge solution for controlling production processes, from product concept to product manufacturing. This course will teach you how to use the SAP PLM application’s extensive features to gain a clear picture of and command over all product development-related operations.
Product development procedures are inherently complex. When developing a new product, product developers must consider a variety of factors, such as consumer and regulatory needs, as well as cost targets. In this fast-changing, inventive environment, they require tools to support and speed their daily job. End-to-end digitization in product development assists them in accomplishing this goal.This course will teach you how to improve or create new products in the process industries by enhancing product development processes with intelligent and collaborative tools.
This course will teach you how to work effectively in teams, from design to manufacture. You’ll know how to recognize requirements and connect them to future products, as well as how to detect cost drivers earlier on and how to manage R&D projects efficiently.observe the upcoming workload The training will also walk you through the process of developing precise product specifications, developing compatible recipes, and finally handing over to manufacture.
Fundamentals of PLM
In an age when innovation is vital to corporate survival and success, product lifecycle management (PLM) plays an important role in assisting manufacturers in developing a new generation of products at a reduced cost with a time to market. While PLM can also be regarded as a corporate strategy, three fundamentals influence how teams function and organisations’ opportunity to expand and thrive:
· – Access to and use of model development information should be universal, secure, and managed.
Maintaining the integrity of the that product description and related information over the product’s life cycle
Management and upkeep of the corporate processes that generate, manage, disseminate, distribute, and utilize information
SAP Teamcenter Integration
For effective Teamcenter SAP integration in pune, bi-directional data transfer and seamless business operations between SAP and Teamcenter software are provided.
Woman in an office environment staring at a computer monitor Teamcenter Integration with SAP (S4S) is a strong standard solution for the effective and seamless connection of Teamcenter from Siemens Industrial Software and SAP by SAP. S4S combines Siemens and SAP’s well-known “Teamcenter Gateway for SAP” (leveraging Fellow RFC communication) with the jointly created “Teamcenter Gateway for PLM systems development by SAP” (T4ST, employing PLMSI communication layer).
Teamcenter Integration for SAP includes the following features:
An easy-to-use and highly adaptable method of integrating engineering and production data and processes handled in Teamcenter SAP integration in pune to product information and corporate processes managed by SAP.
A work atmosphere that allows you to see, generate, and modify all necessary PLM and ERP data using business rules & attribute
mapping without leaving the Teamcenter, regardless of where the data is stored.
Full asynchronous process integration through the execution and linking of workflows and the capture of business events.
You have complete control over the integration technology used and the optimized business processes.